© Robert Schulz

© Rõth Sándor

© Hernád Géza

© Marie Moen

© Klotz Miklós

© Gergely Gabriella

© Klotz Miklós

© Kádár Levente

© Soltész István
All rights reserved
2015 - 2020

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Welcome to the website of argentum camera manufactura, where you will always find refreshing content.
Please note the menu "catalogues", where you can download pdf brochures about the camera
you want to know more of. I am refreshing and expanding the number of these materials.
In case you happen not to find something, or need more information, please, do not hesitate
to contact me.
I do my best to trace the life of the cameras after the owners received them. Let me draw your attention as well to the "gallery" on my website, where the list of the photographers is being refreshed along with the photographs.

Istvan Soltesz

Artifex UL.
The first 20 x 24 inch camera. It is a worthy 20th jubilee for the " Manufactura".



The latest non-folding argentum camera:
artifex nf 57.
The pdf brochure of the camera can be found under the menu "catalogues".


A short movie by András Gál.
User's manual to the excursor cameras.

The brand new argentum camera was born, this name is artifex nfz 45. The specifications: it is simple construction still very massive, non-foldable camera body with small size and small weight for the easy usage and the lower price. This camera is in the first instance ideal for landscapes with normal and wide lenses.
The pdf brochure of the camera can be found under the menu "catalogues".


The 8x10 explorator I. camera is refreshed.
The new pdf brochure of the camera can be found under the menu "catalogues".


Zone V - István Soltész
András Gál and Tamás Varga have the same short movie. (hungarian language).
"Photographs was made wet plate collodion process and short movies about people who know what is it mean at the photography: V. Zone. The lovers of traditional photography are the guardians of the dark-room secrets."



Let me introduce the new architec type. The detailed pdf brochure of the camera can be found under the menu "catalogues".

A report of Mr. Thierry Rebours with Istvan Soltesz for Galerie-Photo,
the French site for High Resolution Photography :

A unique appearance of argentum camera obscura. In case you are interested in what happened to the pinhole camera, here you will find the story:



© Phonem